Hier ein Live Vergleich zwischen 1994 und 2007
Ride With Yourself 2007
Train Ride 1994
Band Line Up
Georg Dolivo-Vocals/Rhythm Guitar
Brian "Damage" Forsythe- Lead Guitar/Vocals
Reeve Downes- Bass/Vocals
Dusty Watson- Drums
Guest: Simon Wright (AC/DC)- Drums

1. Pain 2. I Stand before You 3. Too much Talk 4. Blow By Blow 5. Mad Maggie 6. Bird On A Wire 7. What'd You Expect 8. I Was Told 9. The Hard Grind 10. World Gone Mad
Bonus Tracks:
11. Ain't Got Solutions 12. Head Above Water 13. Knife In You 14. Swinging With Sally 15. Bastard

No Song Left Behind Track List: (reinhören)
1. Sights Too High 2. Been There, Done That 3. Nothing to Lose 4. One Night Stand 5. Beat To Death Like A Dog 6. Hey There 7. Ride The Rhino 8. Train Ride 9. She's A Screamer 10. Rather Go Insane 11. Hand To Mouth 12. Scratch N' Sniff 13. Shot Down 14. One Night Stand 15. This Ain't Heaven
And Then It Got Ugly - 2006 (reinhören)
Pain - 1994 (reinhören)
Get Used To It - 1992
Rhino Bucket - 1990
Rhino Bucket bei YouTube
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