Montag, 13. September 2010

Rhino Bucket machen Nägel mit Köpfen

Die Kickstarter Sache ist ein toller Start für das neue Album und für the one and only real rock n' roller Rhino Bucket.
Es darf auch immer noch gespendet werden, so dass im Anschluss auch richtig promoted werden kann. Wenn du also Interesse an AC/DC RnR Style und in diesem Fall am Rhino Bucket CD Projekt hast, kannst du hier ein paar Dollars für einen guten Zweck spenden.

Der Kommentar vom Frontmann und Urgestein Georg Dolivo zum Kickstarter Erfolg lautet wie folgt:

"When we started this Kickstarter thing, we were nervous as to how it would end up. But, we should have known better. There are no better supporters of music in this world than the people who support Rhino Bucket. We see it every night when we tour and now we see it here on Kickstarter. So, now what?

Well, lets keep going, if you all still have in you. Tell your friends, co-workers, anyone and everyone to join the cause! The more funds we raise the more we will be able to promote and advertise the new album. Which will in turn, hopefully, turn more people on to the "Last Real Rock Band". And, you know what? All of you might just be at the front lines of a new revolution in the music business. Where you not only decide what CD to buy but which artist you think deserves you support in even getting to create music. I know that back in the day, had I had this option, I would have sold my mom's VCR to help the bands I loved. And now, we can actually do that. Fuck that iPad, iPhone crap, this is the real innovation we've been waiting for. The ability to connect one on one with people we share a common interest with. I can't wait to get this new album completed so that I can share it with all of you."

Damit ihr auch wisst um was es tatsächlich geht, hier noch ein Müsterchen mit dem Song *The Hardest Town* aus ihrer letzten Scheibe aus dem Jahre 2009.
Weitere Beispiele gibt's hier.

Homepage, MySpace, Facebook

Vom Januar bis März 2011 machen sie nochmals einen Europatour. Und ich hoffe doch schwer, dass sie es wie dieses Jahr nochmals schaffen, in die Schweiz zu kommen. Es rockte nämlich letzten Winter abartig intensiv im Rock City Uster. \m/

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